Codecrux team is happy and excited to share the success story of our client, which had been acquired by Outboundwork on 18th December 2018.
Outbound Works Inc. - a San Francisco, CA-based automated sales development platform provider.

“I’m truly excited to combine forces with outbound works,
a company i have been following since starting
and widely considered the leader in pushing the sales development
industry forward through the use of automation
and machine learning”
Yaron Oren,
founder & CEO of
The amount of the deal between the two companies was not disclosed.This is outbound works second sales development technology acquisition this year after the company acquired following this year in the month of february.
Outbound Works will retain the team, along with its technology and data assets. Founder and CEO Yaron Oren spent the last 20 years in the tech industry of which 10 years he was a sale & marketing leader.He build 4 successful business along the way and hold and Engineering degree from Cornell and MBA from Kellogg school of management.