Cloud Storage Performance amazon S3 vs Google Cloud vs Azure

Cloud Storage Performance amazon S3 vs Google Cloud vs Azure 

Quick Answer

  1. Amazon and Azure provide the lowest latency, while Google provides the highest throughput, for both uploads and downloads. This means that AWS and Azure excel for smaller files, while GCE excels for larger files, and this highlights the importance of benchmarking with data that are comparable in size to what your application uses.
  2. The substantial limitations on AWS EC2 network throughput must be taken into consideration when designing high-speed data processing systems.
  3. Google's unique multi-region buckets keep costs down when working with data from multiple datacenters in the same region (e.g. continent).
  4. Object storage scales automatically to provide high aggregate throughput.
  5. Finally, note that I’m only showing data from API access (which is the exact same boto code for AWS and Google), and I have unsurprisingly observed substantial differences in performance from different clients (the vendor-specific CLIs, node.js API package, cURL’ing URLs, etc.)

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